Efficiently managing deceased estates.

The estate consists of a person's assets and liabilities.

These assets are their property and belongings with value, such as a house, car, shares and investments. When someone passes away, these assets must be allocated to someone else.

Making sense of it


What is Probate?

Probate is an order of the Supreme Court for the executor to be appointed to deal with the estate and gives authority to deal with the deceased person’s assets.

Why do I need a lawyer?

If you are an executor, you have certain legal obligations and responsibilities that you may not be aware of. It is good to get advice at the outset to understand your duties. If you are a beneficiary, you are entitled to be kept informed of the estate's progress. You may have rights you are not aware of and it is a good idea to get advice early to ensure you understand your position. Your eligibility to raise certain issues may be affected by the passage of time.

What if there isn’t a will?

If there is no will, it may be necessary to apply to the Supreme Court for an administrator to be appointed. The law determines which of the deceased’s relatives are eligible to be appointed and receive monies from the estate.

What if the family is arguing?

If issues arise after the loss of a loved one, it may be helpful to obtain some advice about how to resolve those issues early on, to see if good relationships can be maintained.

What if I am not included in a will?

You may be eligible to make an application to the court for provision to be made for you. Contact us to discuss your options.

We can help you with all matters related to deceased estates

We offer a free, no-obligation, 15-minute telephone consultation to discuss your needs.

Need assistance with a
Deceased Estate?

Book a complimentary 15-minute consultation with us to start your journey.

Let us answer the difficult questions

When should I start estate planning?

The answer is right now. 

Often we see people leave it until they:

  • Experience the loss of a loved one who didn’t have a will, and this prompts them to put their own plan in place

  • Are going on an overseas trip (international travel may be allowed again soon)