Bechelet & Co | Succession Lawyers

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What happens if the children are young?

Sarah died at age 40 without a Will. At the time of her death Sarah was not in a relationship but she had one son Ryan who had just turned 18 years old and two younger children Chad and Barney who were 8 and 6 years old. As the oldest child Ryan was the person entitled to deal with the estate. Ryan had never had to deal with a legal matter before and he found it difficult. Ryan had to protect the younger children’s interest by asking the Public Trustee to establish a trust for each child that the Public Trustee would manage until they reached the age of 18. Sarah wasn’t very organised and had lots of assets, business interests, vehicles and there was a lot of paperwork for Ryan to sort through. Ryan got help from a lawyer and it took over five years for Ryan to finalise the estate.