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What happens if a beneficiary is missing?

Johnny was a young man who did not have a partner or any children. Johnny owned his own business and did not prepare a Will. Johnny was involved in an accident and died at age 40. Johnny’s dad had died when he was young and his closest relatives were his sisters, his mum and his brother. He kept in contact with his sisters but he had lost contact with his brother and mum a long time ago. Johnny’s sisters saw a lawyer for help with the estate and it took seven years and multiple searches to find out that Johnny’s mum had died after him and she had also not left a Will. It took another three years to deal with Johnny’s mum’s estate and his brother was finally found after 10 years of searching. If Johnny had prepared a Will then it would have contained details about his beneficiaries. He may not have nominated his mum and brother to receive some of his money and this would have saved a lot of time and cost in trying to locate them.